Board of Trustees

Clearview board of trustrees Front Left to Right: John Schofer, Vice-Chair Shauna-lee Thomas, Chair Guy Neitz, Becky Scott, Kim Smyth. Back row left to right: Erika Grice, Greg Hayden
Front Left to Right: John Schofer, Vice-Chair Shauna-lee Thomas, Chair Guy Neitz, Becky Scott, Kim Smyth. Back row left to right: Erika Grice, Greg Hayden

Board of Trustees

Guy Neitz

Guy Neitz

Board Chair

(403) 741-4367

Shauna-lee Thomas

Shauna-lee Thomas


(780) 704-0000

Erika Grice

Erika Grice

(403) 740-9266

Greg Hayden

Greg Hayden

(403) 740-9610

John Schofer

John Schofer

(403) 740-9348

Becky Scott

Becky Scott

(403) 741-4975

Kim Smyth

Kim Smyth


(403) 741-8262
